Monday, June 12, 2017


  • Lilo & Stitch: The film's story is about two highly eccentric and mischievous individuals: a Hawaiian human girl named Lilo Pelekai who lost her and her older sister's parents in a car accident, and an extraterrestrial creature originally named Experiment 626 who gets adopted by Lilo as her "dog" called "Stitch". Stitch, who is genetically engineered by his creator to cause chaos and destruction, initially uses her to avoid being captured by an intergalactic federation, but the two individuals develop a close bond through ʻohana. This bond causes him to reconsider and later defy his intended destructive purpose in order to keep his newfound family together. I think Stitch could be in Walle's world, because they are both from space and they are both kind with everyone.
  • Sleeping beauty: Is a classic fairy tale which involves a beautiful princess, a sleeping enchantment, and a handsome prince. I think Aurora could be in Cinderella's world, because they both (Cinderella & Aurora have fairy godmothers, they are both kind, good and they both have a prince :-D.

  • Chicken Little: In the small town of Oakey Oaks, Chicken Little causes widespread panic and mayhem when he rings the alarm bell, claiming the sky is falling. He is humiliated in front of his father Buck Cluck and the entire town when, after telling everyone a piece of the sky "shaped like a stop sign" had hit him on the head, he is unable to find it. All the residents assume an acorn must have fallen on him and Chicken Little becomes a laughing stock. I think chicken little could be in Home in the range, because the cows are in a farm and that is where chicken little belongs.

Saturday, June 10, 2017


Part A: Return to your 3 favorite films and try reframing each of them in terms of a "what if" statement. Share these with someone (written or verbally) and see if they can guess what movie it is from!

  • LILO & STITCH: What if stitch had never escaped? What if he never met Lilo?
  • SLEEPING BEAUTY: what if maleficent would have never gave Aurora that horrible wish?
  • CHICKEN LITTLE: what if chicken little never thought the sky was falling?

 Part B: Now it's your turn. Come up with 3-5 of your own “what if” ideas.
  • what if the titanic would have never hit that iceberg?
  • what if dogs didn't exist?
  • what if Freddie mercury was still alive?
  • what if Disney wouldn't even been created?

Friday, June 9, 2017


  • Part BWhy do you think you connected with these stories? Come up with at least one reason for each
  • Lilo & Stitch
  • Sleeping Beauty
  • Chicken Little
Image result for lilo & stitch

I think I connect with Lilo because for her, family is really important and so is for me, family is first in every concept. And I really like this movie because I love the way Stitch is mean at first but at the end he becomes part of the family.


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I connect with Aurora because, she spent years and year hiding in her house, and I was part of something similar. I really like this movie because I love the fairies, and the way that the prince fights for her love.


Image result for chicken little

I think I connect with Chicken Little because he was bullied in school and he wasn't social at all, I was kinda bullied in school, so I know what that feels. I love this movie because he is such a lovely character, he cares about everyone, especially his dad who's been embarrassed of him without any reason.

Part CWhat, if anything, do these three films have in common? How are they different?

  • I think that what they have in common is that all these movies are really close to their family, even Aurora, the fairies aren't her "real" family but they all treat like family
  • The different things about the films is that they all have different goals, for example, chicken little only wants to make his father proud, Aurora only wants to know her real story, and Stitch only wants a family.


  • Part A: Think of a memory that your remember vividly. It should be a memory that comes easily to you.
When I went to the Riviera Maya with all my family

  • Part B: Why do you think you remember this so well? Try connecting one or more emotions to this memory.
I feel happy and sad at the same time because my cousin Gerardo was there, and he died two years ago.
  • Part C: Now try and express your memory and emotion in some way. The goal is to get it out of your head. Here are some ideas for what you could do.
  • Verbally: Tell your memory to someone that you know. Can you make them feel the emotion?
Yes, I told the story to my cousin Melissa and she started crying with me; because I told her all the story, all that we did in the hotel when he was alive, all the crazy stuff we did, I truly still miss him.
  • Written: Write your memory in less than a page. Do the emotions come out in your words?
Yes, because I always tell the story just the way I feel.

  • Visually: Express your memory using only lines and shapes. Do the emotions come out in your drawings?
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Hi, my name is Karla Acosta and I'm a student at EBC campus Merida :-D

Today, one of the biggest corporate buzzwords is “storytelling.” Marketers are obsessed with storytelling, and conference panels on the subject lately have fewer empty seats than a Bieber concert.
Storytelling has been the buzzword off and on since advertising became a thing. It’s always coming out of the buzzword pile because, at the end of the day, it’s a timeless skill. Stories have been an essential driver of change throughout human history. For good and for ill.
And now more than ever, businesses, workers, and leaders have opportunities to stand out, spread messages, and make change through storytelling.
Good stories surprise us. They have compelling characters. They make us think, make us feel. They stick in our minds and help us remember ideas and concepts in a way that numbers and text on a slide with a bar graph don’t.

The tweet I chose is about how to become a better writer.
Because we all know that obviously good writing skills are important when your job involves writing, be it as a journalist, paralegal or public relations professional – that goes without saying. If you are employed for your writing skills, having “good” writing skills is a job requirement. However, more professions require good writing skills than those traditionally associated with writing. Any time a profession requires written communication, writing skills become important.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Retweet 2

1) You have to be open minded to accept new things and challenges, you don't always have to do the same things/routine all over again, accept the change, that i'll help you create
2) There are all kinds of exercises to help you be more creative, some meditation techniques are designed to help you harness creativity by encouraging you to take time to pause and bring a more intentional approach to your work

Monday, April 3, 2017

Retweet 1

1) he is saying that, if you love what you do, it's not actually like work, because you wake up everyday excited about it, you're enjoying it

2) Live your life, find a work that you truly love, you don't have to be working in something you are not passionated about