Friday, June 9, 2017


  • Part A: Think of a memory that your remember vividly. It should be a memory that comes easily to you.
When I went to the Riviera Maya with all my family

  • Part B: Why do you think you remember this so well? Try connecting one or more emotions to this memory.
I feel happy and sad at the same time because my cousin Gerardo was there, and he died two years ago.
  • Part C: Now try and express your memory and emotion in some way. The goal is to get it out of your head. Here are some ideas for what you could do.
  • Verbally: Tell your memory to someone that you know. Can you make them feel the emotion?
Yes, I told the story to my cousin Melissa and she started crying with me; because I told her all the story, all that we did in the hotel when he was alive, all the crazy stuff we did, I truly still miss him.
  • Written: Write your memory in less than a page. Do the emotions come out in your words?
Yes, because I always tell the story just the way I feel.

  • Visually: Express your memory using only lines and shapes. Do the emotions come out in your drawings?
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